Lighthouse Carwash Business Opportunity
Lighthouse Carwash Business Opportunity
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Here we have highlighted a few Lighthouse Automatic washes from around the country. For a full listing of Lighthouse Carwashes, Click Here. When you would like more information about Lighthouse Carwashes, visit our Special page, call toll-free: 317.432.6415, or Contact Us via the web.

Note: Throughout our website, clicking on a thumbnail image will give you a full-size image.



Pictures of Pumper's Premium

The Lighthouse Carwash at Pumper's Premium Convenience Store is a vibrant purple Automatic Wash. This location is in Greenville, SC.

  Pictures of Culpeper Carwash

This Lighthouse Combination in Culpeper, VA has 6 Self Serve bays and a 57' Automatic, necessary to handle the demand of its location directly in front of the community's Wal-Mart.
Pictures of Lite Brite Carwash

This beautiful location in Indianapolis, IN completes the inviting look of a Lighthouse Carwash with glowing vacuum canopies. There is a 57' Lighthouse Automatic with 4 Lighthouse Self Serve bays.
  Pictures of Jack Flash

This Lighthouse Carwash in Mt. Pleasant, SC is equipped to wash twice as many cars. Two Autec Soft Cloth machines are housed under one 49' Dual Lighthouse Automatic.
Pictures of Keystone Citgo
This location in Indianapolis, IN was the premiere Automatic/ Self Serve Lighthouse combination. It features a 65' Automatic and 6 Self Serve bays.

Pictures of Tony's
Lighthouse Carwash

A Lighthouse Automatic and Self Serve
wash in South Bend, IN.

Pictures of Crystal Flash Spencer

This location in Spencer, IN is the first Lighthouse Carwash built in conjunction with a Crystal Flash fuel center. The Lighthouse Carwash building is yellow with red stripes.
  Pictures of Kroger Shelbyville
This Lighthouse Carwash in Shelbyville, KY is the first Lighthouse to use our colorful sign package.